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TV Help

Streaming TV

PlatinumTV compatible devices

Install PlatinumTV on your Apple streaming device

Install PlatinumTV on your Amazon Fire TV

Install PlatinumTV on your smartphone or tablet

Generate a PlatinumTV login and passphrase

Watch PlatinumTV online with channel apps

Apple TV – PlatinumTV User Guide

Add PlatinumTV to your Apple TV

Navigating content and lists

Pause, Restart, Fast Forward & Rewind features

On-screen guide management

Record programs

Manage recordings

Amazon Fire TV – PlatinumTV User Guide

Add PlatinumTV to your Amazon Fire TV

Navigating content and lists

Pause, Restart, Fast Forward & Rewind features

On-screen guide management

Record programs

Manage recordings

Platinum Set Top Box User Guide

HOW TO: See what’s on TV

Record programs

Save your favorites

Restart TV

HOW TO: Adjust display settings and closed captioning

TV Equipment

HOW TO: Program the Platinum Universal Remote to control other devices

HOW TO: Program the Master Power key

Setup codes for TVs

Common Errors

HOW TO: Switch inputs on your TV (“No Signal” TV error)